Embracing transformation: Coaching for times of transition with Gloria Eid

May 10, 2024
Jenna Aquino

When Sarah met Gloria Eid, they were students working together in residence programming at Ryerson University.

Flash forward to a café catch up years later, Gloria was one of the first people to learn about what Sarah was building with Growclass, when it was still an idea.

Naturally, as Gloria created her coaching practice, Sarah reached out to bring her on as a resident coach in our community—leading workshops, teaching folks how to tame their inner critic, and so much more. As someone who has truly been a part of this community from day one, her work has influenced the soft and supportive environment at Growclass in a big way.

Now, we couldn’t be more thrilled to have her join us as a career coach (more officially) that you can work with one-on-one (or in a coaching circle) through our Career Accelerator program. It’s a space filled with a growing collection of resources and education designed to support you on your job hunt and overall professional journey. 

“Throughout my career prior to launching my coaching business, I worked in government, international development, law, and higher education. When I was supporting university students, I’d help them with their leadership development through all kinds of opportunities outside of their academics. I also managed programming that welcomed international students. 

So the thread throughout all my work was supporting people in their growth through one-on-one conversations, facilitating workshops, and discussion groups to help people make sense of their experiences and figure out how that could translate to the kind of opportunities they were looking for. Really helping people get clear about what they wanted to do and identify their next steps in that direction. That work is my sweet spot, and when I reached a crossroads in my career, I decided to double down on it.”

Gloria has a beautifully told audio story available on her website that shares the complete story of her journey into coaching and what her approach is to working with clients. Her key message is:

“We spend so much of our lives at work, creating, or being in relationship with other people producing things. And I believe we ought to have the work that we do, make our lives better.”

With plenty of first-hand experience doing so (self publishing a poetry book on grief, for example), Gloria’s mission is to help people move on to doing what they’re honestly feeling called to. To do something different or perhaps bigger than what they’ve been doing so far. 

Whether that’s a promotion, a new leadership position, or starting a new business, she specializes in helping people manage self doubt, fears, beliefs, and stuckness during those pivotal times of transformation. That’s Gloria’s specialty.

“I like helping people calibrate what it is that they want to do and develop this new desire for how they wish to move through the world … we're all so close to our own stories. Sometimes we can't see that bigger picture view on things, and that’s my jam. Holding up that mirror to people and saying this is you right now—what will it take to rewrite all of this stuff that’s keeping you stuck or confused, so that you can get the clarity you need to take steps toward the things you want out of your life and career?”

Gloria’s clients—in Growclass and beyond—love working with her because they walk away feeling relieved and more at ease with regards to where they’re headed. Especially having gained clarity around what it is they really want and what the path to it is.

“I love doing the work of helping people craft their personal stories, map out their career highs and lows, and pull out the important pieces. Getting very clear on what they value and how they connect those values to your work. Looking at all those things from a bird’s eye view and understanding the themes of their lives so far, and what the story they get to tell from that place is, without being bound by everything we’ve done in the past.”

It's the kind of work that sets a person up for putting themselves out there in a way that feels aligned and confident, whether in the form of marketing themselves and their services or interviewing for a new role.

Her approach applies body-based, somatic practices that help people tap into their inner guidance and intuition. Focusing on one’s own state before determining their strategy, so both of those things can happen at once.

“I also draw on concepts like conscious leadership, applied depths coaching, internal family systems, and creative living. I studied social sciences with a focus on human communication. But really, models and frameworks are way less important to me than helping somebody get to a place of clarity that feels congruent with their mind, heart, and gut.”

When you join the Career Accelerator, you can book a session with Gloria to learn more about how she can become a partner in your time of reinvention.

And for those who might not know—if you’re a Growclass student from any of our 2024 cohorts, you have access to two coaching sessions with Gloria, EMW, or ZJ through the Career Accelerator included in your membership. You’ll want to take advantage of those.

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