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“Fake it til you make it” is getting real old.

You want to actually feel it—the confidence to tackle new growth channels, take on leadership roles, grow your business and make more money.

You know what you don’t know, and you’re ready to put in the work. But you’re tired of navigating this career sh*t on your own.

You’re looking for mentorship, a real community, and tangible content you can use right away.

We couldn’t be more grateful for you to have you with us. So we’ve got a few options you can choose from to ensure that you can continue getting the career support you deserve.

As a Growclass alumni you’ve unlocked special pricing to remain a member of the community. And some added bonuses to make sure that your growth doesn't end here. 

Take a peek inside

Curious to see the inside of Growclass? Join a free trial class and get a feel for what it’s like.
Give me a sneak peek
With the Growclass alumni membership you’ll:
Icon of a group of people

Join the kindest corner of the internet
Swap learnings, share best practices, ask questions and connect with like-minded folks inside of our Slack community

Icon of an open lock

Unlock Content
Unlock our content hub of strategy decks, forecasting templates and toolkits that’ll make you look like a badass

Brain icon

Learn Tangible Skills
Learn tangible skills from real experts who want to see you succeed in a supportive, brotato-free environment

Icon of an open lock

Access members only workshops
Access our calendar with live workshops and events where you’ll learn from star speakers, grow your network, and get feedback

Join in-person events
Join us for in-person co-working days, member meet ups, live sessions, and exclusive events at no additional cost

Icon of two peers

Gain mentorship
Get mentored by experts with years of experience scaling businesses (consulting that would cost >$300/hr anywhere else)

Icon showing a fist being held up in triumph

Build Confidence
Gain confidence in an inclusive, supportive community our members have coined the kindest corner of the internet

What our members are doing inside:


I have a client who is starting to become very toxic. I need to fire them. Does anyone have any advice?

9 replies

Has anyone started and grown a successful podcast that would be willing to chat?

18 replies

Does anyone have a template, checklist, or general recommendations for how to go about doing a client audit for all of their paid marketing channels, in a meaningful way? Would really appreciate any help you can offer!

8 replies

Hi all! Are there any folks who love A/B testing out there who would have space for me to ask a few questions?

13 replies
Community Pass
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Join Monthly
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
Coaching Pass
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Join Monthly
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
  • Steal strategy decks, templates and toolkits from our stacked Membership Hub
  • Access personal growth courses to help you learn how to quiet your inner critic, handle difficult work conversations, and more.
  • Join monthly group coaching sessions with Certified Life and Career coach Gloria Eid
Career Accelerator Pass
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Join Monthly
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
  • Steal strategy decks, templates and toolkits from our stacked Membership Hub
  • Access personal growth courses to help you learn how to quiet your inner critic, handle difficult work conversations, and more.
  • Unlock the Career Accelerator filled with resources like cover letter templates, growth marketing interview exercise templates, interview prep documents and so much more
  • Join monthly 1-1 career coaching sessions with the coach of your choice: ZJ Hadley, Elizabeth Monier-Williams, or Gloria Eid
Community Pass
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/ 3MO
Join Quarterly
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
Coaching Pass
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Join Quarterly
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
  • Steal strategy decks, templates and toolkits from our stacked Membership Hub
  • Access personal growth courses to help you learn how to quiet your inner critic, handle difficult work conversations, and more.
  • Join monthly group coaching sessions with Certified Life and Career coach Gloria Eid
Career Accelerator Pass
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Join Quarterly
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
  • Steal strategy decks, templates and toolkits from our stacked Membership Hub
  • Access personal growth courses to help you learn how to quiet your inner critic, handle difficult work conversations, and more.
  • Unlock the Career Accelerator filled with resources like cover letter templates, growth marketing interview exercise templates, interview prep documents and so much more
  • Join monthly 1-1 career coaching sessions with the coach of your choice: ZJ Hadley, Elizabeth Monier-Williams, or Gloria Eid
Community Pass
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Join Annually
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
Coaching Pass
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Join Annually
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
  • Steal strategy decks, templates and toolkits from our stacked Membership Hub
  • Access personal growth courses to help you learn how to quiet your inner critic, handle difficult work conversations, and more.
  • Join monthly group coaching sessions with Certified Life and Career coach Gloria Eid
Career Accelerator Pass
Limited seats left!
Join Annually
  • Regain access to our award-winning program to get fully certified in Growth Marketing
  • Be a member of our moderated members-only Slack community (aka the kindest corner of the internet)
  • Learn from experts with real-world experience in live members-only workshops and events
  • Connect with top brands + talent in our Jobs & Hiring community
  • Grow your network with ambitious professionals who’ve been in your shoes
  • Steal strategy decks, templates and toolkits from our stacked Membership Hub
  • Access personal growth courses to help you learn how to quiet your inner critic, handle difficult work conversations, and more.
  • Unlock the Career Accelerator filled with resources like cover letter templates, growth marketing interview exercise templates, interview prep documents and so much more
  • Join monthly 1-1 career coaching sessions with the coach of your choice: ZJ Hadley, Elizabeth Monier-Williams, or Gloria Eid
Can I get my company to pay for this?
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You’d be surprised at how many professional development budgets go unused each year. It’s probably sitting in a bank account, covered in cobwebs, while your career aspirations slowly lose steam.

We know that asking isn’t as easy as it sounds. So if you need some extra help, we’ve crafted this resource to help you start that conversation with your manager.

What is included in the Membership hub?
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Inside the Membership hub you’ll find professional and personal development sessions focused on helping you build real career confidence. You’ll have access to audio pep talks for when you need a boost and bonus content with expert guest instructors.

You’ll dive into new courses like: Overcoming Workplace Anxiety, Quieting Your Inner Critic, Rehabbing your People Pleasing, Building Your Personal Brand, Negotiation, and more at your own pace.

What is included in the Career Accelerator?
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Inside the Career Accelerator you’ll find everything that is included in the Membership hub as well as additional content like:

1. Education
You'll find asynchronous educational resources and live workshops to help you build your confidence, quiet that inner critic voice that holds you back, and build your job-search and professional skills.

2. Coaching
Every member of the accelerator can book 1-1 career coaching sessions with an incredible coach to help you build a solid career plan. Once inside you’ll be able to choose the coach that is most compatible with your needs.

3. Resources
Think cover letter templates, growth marketing interview exercise templates, and interview prep documents so you don't have to build anything from scratch again.It’s like a gym for your professional life.

Who are the career coaches?
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1. Elizabeth Monier-Williams
If you’re looking for an expert to support you in developing your career strategy, improving your resume/portfolio, LinkedIn profile, or to simply help you figure out where you genuinely want to go next, EMW is the person to talk to. Especially around the mid-career mark.

2. Gloria Eid
Whether you’re looking for a promotion, a new leadership position, or starting a new business, Gloria specializes in helping you manage self doubt, fears, beliefs, and feeling stuck during those pivotal times of transformation. That’s Gloria’s specialty.

3. ZJ Hadley
ZJ is the person to go to for help identifying your skills and building your confidence so that you can articulate them and pitch yourself. She’ll help you get unstuck, call you out if you’re short changing yourself and she’ll always tell you like it is.

4. Lyn-Marie Farley
Lyn-Marie uses a strengths-based approach with storytelling to help you own your story and lead as your authentic self. She'll help you harness your lived experiences and natural talents to achieve your goals and deepen your understanding of your leadership presence.

I can’t afford this right now, how can I still be involved? 
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No worries my friend. We’ve got some options for you as well. If you’re interested in making a video testimonial, writing a guest post on the Growclass blog, or becoming a chapter lead for in person events in exchange for alumni membership–– send us a note at support@growclass.co and we’ll let you know more details.